Friday, 22 April 2016

Software Quality

Software Quality :

Achieving a high level of product or service, the quality is the objective of this most organization. It is longer acceptable to the customer of a particular poor quality product and then it refers after they have been delivered to customer.

Software quality management can be structured in three activities:-

Quality assure:- The established next of a frame work of organizational procedures and standard which lead to high quality software.

Quality planning:- The selection appropriate procedures and standard form this frame work and adaptation for a specific software project.

Quality control:- The definition of a process which ensures that project quality procedures and standards are followed by software development team.

Quality tools:- An international standard team can be used in development of a quality management system In all industries is called ISO (international standard organization). ISO-9000 is a set of standards that can be applied to a range of organization from manufacturing to service industries ISO-9000 three interrupts ISO-9000 for software development. These tools include –

1) design control

2) product identification and traceability

3) inspection and testing

4) corrective action

5) document control

6) Service training etc.

Quality assurance:- It consist of a set of checking and reporting that perform with quality control activities of includes: -

1) correctness

2) integrity

3) maintains

4) Check for particular client.

Article by
St.Mary's Group
CSE Dept.

Coding and Programming

Coding and Programming :

The main object of coding is to implement the design with the help of some programming environment to achieve a specific task. After writing the code we have to go through the error checking part to run the code successfully. After that the code and the design part we have to match those we the original output we may get from the original code.

Coding techniques helps to increase the cast of the software in the error handing part and the implementation part.

Choice of programming language:- To achieve the particular software design output in the real world the coder has to choice. Some programming language with some specific programming environment for this we have to know very well the following objectives in the software coding part

1) Understand very well the design approach.

2) Enough knowledge of programming and environment.

3) Select a programming language to achieve a specific task for client.

4) Understand the original cost and coding part in the real world scenario.

Basically we have two types environment available in software industry

a) structured programming

b) object programming

The both programming environment has some specific norms in its own area. For example the structured programming environment deals with some specific function with its own parameter an OOP environment based on the objectives which is sharable from method to another.

Mixed language programming:- It is basically a integrated approach for the software coder to direct and indirect they can change the environment as it required at the time of operation.

The environment helps the customization for a specific software design and it is very under friendly environment for user. For example ERD these type of software like SAP Microsoft lavation. This type of software as some mixed programming language environment. Which helps the coder as well as the user?

Coding structure:- whenever the programmer writes some codes from the design view. He/she has peach a programming environment achieved the desired goal. Depending programming language and environment we have to follow norms and syntax of that programming environment coding principle are –

1) construct the algorithm

2) select the data structure that will meet the need of design,

3) understand software architecture and create a specific interface,

4) keep conditional knowledge as simple as possible,

5) create nested loop that marks their easily testable,

6) select meaningful variable and follow other local coding 

7) write code that is self documenting,

8) Create a visual laired for easy understanding.

Article by
St.Mary's Group
CSE Dept.


ERD :-

An ERD is a graphical model of information system that describes the relationship among the system entities. ERD is a major data in our project into entities and define the relationship between the entities.

Components of ERD :- An ERD has 4 major graphical components:

1st entity:- A data entity is anything read or abstract about which we want to solve and stored in a particular project for example employee’s books, computers etc.

2nd entity:- A data relationship is a natural association that exists between one or more entities.

3rd attribute:- An attribute is a characteristic of any particular entity which we can explain in our practical file, for example if we consider the entity is an employee, then the attribute are emp_name, emp_address emp_id designation etc.

4th cardinality:- It is the specific no of occurrence from one object to another object or one entity to another entity for a particular description.


Article by
St.Mary's Group
CSE Dept.

Waterfall model

Waterfall model:- 

waterfall model linear representation of its face for developing a particular system in this model. These phases are:

1) Communication (requirement analysis, specification).

2) Planning (estimating, seducing).

3) Modeling (analysis, design).

4) Construction (code, test).

5) Deployment (delegacy, support, fid back).

Disadvantages of waterfall model:-

1) In real life the project are sequential.

2) Intel finished the project the working versa is not available for the customer.

3) Hardware implementation in the middle of the project is fact.

4) In this model the risk factor is not available.

Article by
St.Mary's Group
CSE Dept.

System development life cycle (SDLC)

System development life cycle (SDLC):- 

SDLC is an approach for making software for the developer, user and customer. SDLC focus on the internal phase to the end phase for making particular software. It generally deals with the analyst and the corresponding clients. SDLC has some specific phase. This are-

1) project identification
2) feasibility study
3) system analysis
4) system design
5) system development
6) system testing
7) system implementation
8) system maintenance
9) system documentation

1) Project identification: - in this phase the analyst focus the basic objective and identification need for the corresponding software. In this phase the analyst set up some meeting with the corresponding client for making the desired software.

2) Feasibility study: - feasibility defines in the three views for making particular software for the client.

a) Technical  b) financial c) social feasibility.

3) System analysis: - analysis defines how and what type of desired software we have to make for the client. It has some pen and paper base. Exercise through which the analyst focused for there desired goals.

4) System design: - in this phase the analyst draw the corresponding diagrams related to the particular software. in this phase the design include in the form of flow chat, data flow diagram, ntt relationship diagram (NRD).

5) System development: - development refers in the form of coding, error checking and debarking for the particular software. This phase deals with the developer activity for making a successfully software.

6) System testing: - testing refers whatever analyst and developer done will it be correct and error free to the desired software. In the S.E there some testing technique to which we can check whether project is error free.

7) System implementation: - after completing the testing phase we have to implement a particular product or system according to the customer need. In the implementation phase some design and other user activity part may be changed as per customer need.

8) System maintenance: - after implementation the users use the particular software to there corresponding operation to active there job. In this phase the software maintained from the user or developer side after spanning some times of use of particular software. In this phase the related hardware, software and other utilities are also maintained.

9) System documentation: - documentation refers the approach and guidelines for the user as well as the customer to the related software. The documentation refers some writing instruction for how to use for related hardware requirement, and also some maintains factors for the users.


Article by
St.Mary's Group